I will add more about my wild Canadian lifestyle tomorrow after the illumination ceremony...which I seem to have a habit of pronouncing 'elimination' ceremony which is inaccurate. Although after multiple sleep deprived nights I wouldn't say no to a few casual eliminations here and there.
But anyway...we got an email the other day requesting us to do a student profile for the Exeter Study Abroad website, but as I have severe problems with sincerity and being a serious adult I thought I would fill it out here instead. This is also an easy way out of doing a proper blog post for another day. I should stop setting myself challenges.
Question 1 - add a picture of yourself.
Well I better start rehearsing..
But anyway...we got an email the other day requesting us to do a student profile for the Exeter Study Abroad website, but as I have severe problems with sincerity and being a serious adult I thought I would fill it out here instead. This is also an easy way out of doing a proper blog post for another day. I should stop setting myself challenges.
Question 1 - add a picture of yourself.
If you hadn't guessed it. I'm the fellow on the left cowering from the terrifying fish man. God I hate fish. Although I do want a fish next term. A nice one. Not an eaty one. One with fun colours. Anyway..I digress.
Student Profile:
Name: |
Degree: |
Type of study abroad: (i.e. Erasmus/Exchange/summer school) Exchange (oo font changed itself...exciting) |
Name of Institution and country: |
Current year of study: (i.e. 3rd year) |
· Why did you choose your particular programme at the University of Exeter? |
· What do you enjoy the most about your programme? I At Exeter I enjoyed that I only had 3 hours a week of class. In Carleton I enjoy that I have 12 hours of class but I enjoy them more. Except for French..that was an error in judgement. Sacre bleu. Also I get to read Holes and still pretend that I am a reputable English student. |
· Why did you choose to study abroad, and what made you choose that particular location? |
· What are you enjoying most about studying abroad? |
· What skills have you gained from your experience (personal and professional) on your time abroad? Step 1 - Lose the gun Step 2 - Buy a canoe Step 3 - Live multi-culturally Step 4 - You're in! There is no more. |
· Have you overcome any challenges during your time abroad? |
· Do you feel that studying abroad will help your employment prospects? If I'm being employed as a recluse perhaps. Or maybe as a British nanny (apparently) - Mary Poppins hasn't got shit on me. |
· Do you have any advice or tips to share with future students considering studying abroad? Bring money. Lots of money. Don't expect to be riding Polar Bears everyday..just every other day. |
· Would you recommend the study abroad experience? I wouldn't kick it out of bed. |
Well I better start rehearsing..